In this article, we will look at how to connect OsEngine to YahooFinance. This is an international service from which you can download historical data from global markets for further analysis and testing.
1. Available data for download from Yahoo Finance.
Available data:
1. Stocks.
2. ETF.
3. Funds.
There are restrictions on the time for downloading data. Yahoo Finance allows you to download data:
1. 1-minute data for the last 8 days from the current time.
2. 2-minute data for the last 60 days from the current time.
3. 5-minute data for the last 60 days from the current time.
4. 15-minute data for the last 60 days from the current time.
5. 30-minute data for the last 60 days from the current time.
6. 1-hour data for the last 730 days from the current time.
7. Daily data without restrictions.
2. Setting up OsEngine to download data from Yahoo Finance.
From the main menu, go to Data:
Next, select the connection "YahooFinance":
A window will open to connect to YahooFinance:
Click the "Connect" button!
Let's add a data set for download.
Click the "Add new data set" button:
A data set creation window will open:
1. Write the name of the data set.
2. Select the server.
3. Choose the timeframe.
4. Select the securities.
5. Choose the time interval.
6. Set to "On" to start downloading data.
7. Click "Accept."
Good luck with your algorithms!