Locking the OsEngine Interface with a Password.

Locking the OsEngine Interface with a Password.

You have rented a remote server for trading and are concerned that N other people may have access to the server—at least the server owners, and at most, an undefined group of malicious actors.

If you want to ensure that no one can manage OsEngine in your absence, you need to lock the program interfaces with a password.

1. Locking the Interface.

In BotStation Light, there is a lock icon in the lower left corner:

If you click on it, a window will appear prompting you to enter a password:

Enter the password and click the "Lock Interface" button. After this, the program window will be locked:

1. The ability to view data in the lower tabs will be blocked.

2. The ability to open robot panels will be blocked.

3. The ability to close the program will be blocked.

If you try to close the program through the task manager and then restart it, the main menu will look like this:


2. Unlocking the Interface.

To unlock the interface, click on the closed lock anywhere in the application, and a unlock menu will open:

Enter the password, and everything will work again.

Happy algorithming!

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