An article about how to manually edit positions in the journal.
This is necessary when the position on the exchange differs from what the robots report for some reason, and you want to correct it.
We will consider the simplified versions of the tester and trading station interfaces.
It is also important to note that in the journal we see positions by robots, not positions on the exchange. The positions on the exchange can be found in the portfolio tab in the main application window.
Why do robots have their own positions that differ from the portfolio on the exchange: Link
Position auto-comparison module: Link
1. Journal. Open it.
The positions journal can be opened in different ways. You can open the general journal:
Also, each individual robot has its own journals. They can be accessed from the robot's interface:
The journal itself looks like this when opened:
2. Journal. Tabs with Positions.
Positions are located in the "Open Positions" and "Closed Positions" tabs, here:
The tab with open positions looks like this:
3. Creating a New Position.
To create a blank position for the journal, in the open positions window:
1. Right-click on the table.
2. Select "Create Position" from the menu.
3. Choose which robot to create it for.
4. Position Specification Window.
To open the position specification window, double-click on the desired position in the positions table, and the position specification will open:
1. General data on the position that is displayed in the main interface.
2. A table with orders to open the position.
3. A table with orders to close the position.
4. A table with trades for the position's orders.
5. The deposit at the time the position was opened.
All of this can be changed and edited.
5. Adding Orders.
You can add orders both to close and to open a position. For example, let's create an order to close a position. For this:
1. Right-click on the table with closing orders.
2. In the pop-up menu, click the "Add Order" button.
After this, a new entry will appear in the closing orders table:
6. Adding Trades.
Now, we need to add a new trade for our closing order:
1. Right-click on the trades table.
2. In the pop-up menu, select "Add Closing Trade."
3. Choose the order number to which the trade will belong.
Next, you need to set the execution time, price, and volume for the trade:
And don't forget to click the "Save Changes" button.
7. Changing the Position Status.
Once you have created a trade for the closing order and set its volume equal to that of the order, the order will receive the status Done. After that, you just need to change the position status:
1. Change the position status to Done.
2. Click the save button.
Good luck with your algorithms!
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