TraderNet API connect

TraderNet API connect

In this article, we will connect OsEngine to TraderNet or Freedom Broker. This is an international terminal through which trading Russian and foreign stocks is possible.

Brief information from Yandex Search: Tradernet, "Tsifra Broker," and "Freedom Finance" are interconnected through the trading platform Tradernet.Global. In October 2024, it changed its name to Freedom Broker to reflect the unity of the Freedom ecosystem products. 

In 2017, Investment Company "Freedom Finance" acquired 30% of the brokerage company Nettrader, including the trading platform Tradernet from Nettrader, which was successfully integrated by the subsidiary of "Freedom Finance" in Kazakhstan. In addition, "Tsifra Broker" is a commercial designation of LLC IC "Freedom Finance."


1. To connect to the exchange, you need to create API keys. 

For many actions, it will be necessary to install the broker's application, the link to which the broker will send after registration. 

Log into the broker's personal account. At the bottom of the page, there is a link for API/FIX connection. Go there.

In the API column, click the "More" button.


1. Select the "API Key" menu item (1).

2. Click the "Create New Key Pair" button (2).

A new Public and Secret key will be created for us.

Click the "Secret Key" button, and we will be shown our Secret key once.

It is necessary to save the Public and Secret keys. Next, click the "Allow trading and submission orders" button.

2. Form a list of securities for trading.

To have the required securities loaded into OsEngine, they must be selected in the broker's web terminal in advance. This is done to prevent the terminal from freezing for several minutes during each connection while pulling thousands of different contracts from the broker.

Open the web terminal:

1. Click the "Trade" button (1).

2. We need to create a list of securities. Click on the three dots (2).

3. Select the "Create an additional list" item, which must be named "osengine." Choose this list.

Now we need to add the securities we will connect in OsEngine to our list.

In the search bar (1), enter the ticker of the security. In the dropdown list, select the desired security, and it will be added to our favorites list.


3. Open OsEngine and go to the connection settings.

In the main menu, go to Bot Station Light:

Next, go to server connections and select the "TraderNet" connection:

A window for connecting to the TraderNet exchange will open:

1. Enter the copied Public Key in the first field.

2. Enter the copied Secret Key in the second field.

3. Click the "Connect" button!


4. Enable any robot and start trading!


1. The order books from foreign platforms only show the best bid/ask prices. 

Good luck with your algorithms!